Ebook - Espíritu EmprendedorAtena Editora


1. Empreendedorismo. 2. Espíritu - Emprendedor. 3. Motivación. 4. Empresa. 5. Ne...

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Espíritu Emprendedor

Publicado em 10 de janeiro de 2022

The present manuscript was the result of group research of students, of the SME Management course of the professional school of Administrative Sciences and Strategic Marketing, the purpose of the research was to know the motivations, characteristics and development of entrepreneurs in the city of Moquegua. The testimonies show the relationship between the theoretical framework developed in class and the reality found in each of the undertakings in terms of the characteristics, motivations and important aspects to achieve the development of the undertakings, it was also possible to collect valuable advice from the entrepreneurs to those people who at some point decide to undertake. 

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Espíritu Emprendedor

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.199220601

  • ISBN: 978-65-5983-719-9

  • Palavras-chave: 1. Empreendedorismo. 2. Espíritu - Emprendedor. 3. Motivación. 4. Empresa. 5. Negócio. 6. Clientes. I. Rojas, Jarol Teófilo Ramos. II. Nina, Lelia Maquera. III. Rocha, José Luis Morales. IV. Título.

  • Ano: 2022

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