Ebook - Contemporary of the Bolsa Família Program: an analysis in the light of the Decentralized-Municipal Management Index (IGD-M)Atena Editora


1. Public policy. 2. Management. I. Parente, Rodrigo Lira. II. Título.

capa do ebook Contemporary of the Bolsa Família Program: an analysis in the light of the Decentralized-Municipal Management Index (IGD-M)

Contemporary of the Bolsa Família Program: an analysis in the light of the Decentralized-Municipal Management Index (IGD-M)

Published on sep 26, 2023.

Rodrigo Parente’s work deserves special attention because it
was produced from his master’s thesis. It is up to academic research to
play the role of providing more accurate analyzes and valid answers on
certain topics. Texts based on this basis offer more solid conclusions and
oppose hasty judgments based on less rigorous data.
The book focuses on the management model of the Bolsa Família
Program, revealing not only its social value, but also highlighting its
dimensions of administrative modernity, based on the creation of the
Decentralized-Municipal Management Index (IGD-M). Themes proclaimed
as of contemporary importance are part of the conclusion, such as
decentralization, cooperation between actors, public transparency and
social control.
By following the academic path, Rodrigo Parente’s work shows
methodological and analytical relevance, in addition to a choice of
theme of great relevance and opportunity. In addition, the interpretative
expositions make the reading, at the same time, pleasant and provocative
to the minds of its readers. Worth knowing.
Paulo Roberto Motta

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Contemporary of the Bolsa Família Program: an analysis in the light of the Decentralized-Municipal Management Index (IGD-M)

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.603232609

  • ISBN: 978-65-258-1860-3

  • Palavras-chave: 1. Public policy. 2. Management. I. Parente, Rodrigo Lira. II. Título.

  • Ano: 2023

  • Número de páginas: 61

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