Ebook - A LBS middleware with privacy protection from inference attacksAtena Editora


1. Legislation on personal data protection. I. Cruz, Adilson Oliveira. II. Títul...

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A LBS middleware with privacy protection from inference attacks

Publicado em 07 de outubro de 2023.

In today's digitally interconnected world, the proliferation of computational mobile devices has brought about a transformative shift in how we interact with technology. The advent of Location-Based Services (LBS) represents a
groundbreaking development in the realm of computer programs. LBS programs harness the power of user spatial location information to deliver services tailored to the user's specific whereabouts. For instance, think of a mobile app that displays a map with nearby restaurants or a GPS navigation system guiding you
through unfamiliar streets.

However, as convenience and innovation continue to intertwine, so do concerns about the privacy of our personal information. The very essence of LBS - utilizing your location - poses potential threats to your privacy. Unauthorized
access to this sensitive information can lead to unwelcome consequences. LBS providers typically offer users some control over their privacy, allowing them to dictate who can access their location data, particularly in sensitive locations.
While this approach may seem reassuring, it often falls short in providing robust protection. Crafty attackers can pose as trusted entities and exploit vulnerabilities to gain access to your location information. Additionally, your whereabouts can
be inferred from your past movements or a history of places visited, further compromising your privacy.

This is where our journey begins. In this meticulously researched and expertly crafted book, we delve into the heart of this privacy conundrum. The foundation of our exploration lies in a Master's thesis in Informatics from the Libera Università di Bolzano/Bozen. Here, the author introduces a LBS middleware, underpinned by a novel approach to safeguarding user privacy.

Central to this innovative solution is the concept of user empowerment. With this middleware, users have the ability to proactively determine the probability of being tracked in a particular location. In essence, you have the power to tune the privacy protection mechanism to your precise requirements, thus thwarting potential attackers. This approach, when implemented, reshapes the landscape of location-based services by ensuring that users can partake in the benefits without the nagging fear of their privacy being compromised.

Real-world testing and assessment, complemented by the use of authentic data, solidify the effectiveness of this pioneering technique. This book not only elucidates the intricacies of the LBS middleware but also provides valuable insights into its practical application in real-world scenarios.
In a world where location-based services are omnipresent, this book emerges as a guiding light for those who value their privacy. It offers an indispensable roadmap for individuals seeking to harness the convenience and functionality of LBS while safeguarding their personal information. Welcome to the future of privacy in Location-Based Services - a future where you remain in control.

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A LBS middleware with privacy protection from inference attacks

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.757230510

  • ISBN: 978-65-258-1875-7

  • Palavras-chave: 1. Legislation on personal data protection. I. Cruz, Adilson Oliveira. II. Título.

  • Ano: 2023

  • Número de páginas: 61

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