Wounds are defined as any interruption of the skin continuity solution, which may be to a greater or lesser extent and generate great damage to the patient if not treated correctly. Firstly, the patient must be stabilized, if necessary, and then a plan is drawn up for the adequate treatment of the lesion. After that, several procedures can and must be done to assist in the healing process, preventing the injury from worsening and minimizing healing time. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss washing techniques and decontamination solutions, debridement, culture and antimicrobial susceptibility tests, dressings, bandages and wound drainage techniques.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592182201046
Palavras-chave: Antimicrobials, dressings, debridement, drainage, wounds.
Keywords: Antimicrobials, dressings, debridement, drainage, wounds.
Wounds are defined as any interruption of the skin continuity solution, which may be to a greater or lesser extent and generate great damage to the patient if not treated correctly. Firstly, the patient must be stabilized, if necessary, and then a plan is drawn up for the adequate treatment of the lesion. After that, several procedures can and must be done to assist in the healing process, preventing the injury from worsening and minimizing healing time. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss washing techniques and decontamination solutions, debridement, culture and antimicrobial susceptibility tests, dressings, bandages and wound drainage techniques.
Número de páginas: 20
- Lara Bernardes Bizinoto
- Fernanda de Oliveira Soares
- Isabel Rodrigues Rosado
- Ian Martin
- Endrigo Gabellini Leonel Alves