Vulnerabilidades de Seguridad y Defensas en Aplicaciones AJAX ( (Ing. en TIC'S en el TECNM Campus Apizaco)
Vulnerabilidades de Seguridad y Defensas en Aplicaciones AJAX ( (Ing. en TIC'S en el TECNM Campus Apizaco)
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173312314092
Palavras-chave: Aplicaciones AJAX, Vulnerabilidades OWASP, Aplicaciones RIA, Tecnologías AJAX.
Keywords: AJAX applications, OWASP vulnerabilities, RIA applications, AJAX technologies.
Abstract: In this article, an analysis is conducted on the vulnerabilities present in applications developed using AJAX architecture and tools. Due to the increased client-side exposure, there is a higher risk associated, as there exists a larger attack surface. A review of web development and rich internet applications is undertaken, along with AJAX architecture and technologies, leading to an examination of the primary threats outlined in OWASP's top ten list. Additionally, their suggested solutions are explored with the aim of establishing best practices in secure software development.
- José Antonio Cruz Zamora
- Elizabeth Cuatecontzi Cuahutle
- Miquelina Sánchez Pulido
- Haydee Patricia Martínez Hernández
- Marcedeli Romero Bravo