Rapid Indirect Hippocampal Volumetry Using the XYZ GEO Method: A Useful Tool in the Diagnosis of Cognitive Impairment
Rapid Indirect Hippocampal Volumetry Using the XYZ GEO Method: A Useful Tool in the Diagnosis of Cognitive Impairment
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.1594132423015
Palavras-chave: Volumetría Directa, Volumetría Indirecta, Hipocampo
Keywords: Direct Volumetry, Indirect Volumetry, Hippocampus
Goals: to demonstrate the validity of the XYZ Geo Method of rapid indirect volumetry 37,38,39 using the simplified geometric formula of the XYZ/1910 ellipsoid, to obtain a volume of the anterior part of the hippocampus (Ammon's Horn + Body = AA) or the complete Hippocampus, including the tail (AA + Tail = Complete Hippocampus = HarP = Harmonized Protocol 24), very close to the real volume determined by the voxel method (planimetry). Material and Method: prospective study, which took place between January 2020 and July 2022, of 100 Dominican adults, divided into a control group of 60 patients with normal cognition divided into 3 age groups (20-40, 41 to 60 and 61 to 80 years). and a case group of 40 patients complaining of cognitive problems (aged 41 to 60 and 61 to 80). The Folstein Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) adapted to Latino patients was administered.15. All benefited from a 1.5 Tesla MRI with 1-1.5 mm slices for three-dimensional reconstruction including non-contrast T1, FLAIR, T2 and TOF sequences. The Principal Investigator (PI) performs real volumetry of the Anterior and Complete Hippocampus using voxels (planimetry), processing these Magnetic Resonance images on the Elekta Workstation Gamma Plan 10 platform of the Dominican Gamma Knife Center of CEDIMAT in the Plaza de la Salud de Santo Sunday, Dominican Republic. Next, the PI performs the indirect volumetry of these structures by applying the simplified formula of the Ellipsoid, following the guidelines of the XYZ Geo Method for rapid indirect volumetry of intracranial structures39, determining their largest diameters Axial (X), Sagittal (Y) and Vertical (Z) on the aforementioned Platform. For each of these patients, blindly with respect to the PI results, the Research Assistants (RA), using the Magnetic Resonance CD in which the RadiAnt DICOM Viewer software with capacity for millimeter measurement is encrypted, determine rapid indirect volumetry of the Anterior Hippocampus (AA) and complete Hippocampus (HarP) applying the aforementioned methodology. The data collected was processed using measures of central tendency and dispersion in the Microsoft Excel 2016 platform. Results: The indirect volumetry of the hippocampi studied carried out by the PI using the simplified geometric formula of the ellipsoid had an average approximation of 101.7% with respect to the real volume determined by voxels. The measurement carried out by the RAs approached 99.6% of the real volume of the hippocampi studied. The average time to perform the actual volumetry of the Anterior Hippocampus (AA) by the PI was more than 11 minutes, while using the formula for rapid indirect volumetry the hippocampal volume could be calculated in less than a minute. Conclusion: indirect volumetry of the hippocampus applying the guidelines of the XYZ Geo Method 39 and using the simplified geometric formula of the ellipsoid, it is a reliable and rapid alternative to determine the health and integrity of this important anatomical marker of cognitive and seizure health, even if it is used by non-neurospecialist doctors.
- Santiago Valenzuela Sosa
- Mármol, F
- Coats, C
- Jiménez, O
- Peralta, I.
- Valdez, J