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State violence and institutional racism in Brazil: a dialogue with the short film: ‘’Dois Estranhos’’

The object of study of the present work is the Oscar-winning short film 2021, ‘’Dois Estranhos’’. In this cinematographic work, the protagonist Carter is the representation of thousands of young black people who are victims of racism and who suffer from state violence, represented by the policeman Merk. In an interdisciplinary way, from the perspective of the short film, the work intends to investigate the legacies of the Brazilian slave mode of production and its relation with institutional racism, as well as to analyze state violence and its affinity with racism, evidencing the non-application of the fundamental principles in criminal justice. The work dialogues with several areas of knowledge, such as History and Sociology. The research method used is deductive. The results achieved indicate that there are many legal and cultural ties that make it impossible or delay the end of Brazilian institutional racism, denouncing a State that is silent in relation to the fundamental rights and guarantees of the black population.

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State violence and institutional racism in Brazil: a dialogue with the short film: ‘’Dois Estranhos’’

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.21622522011210

  • Palavras-chave: movie theater; racism; state violence; human rights.

  • Keywords: movie theater; racism; state violence; human rights.

  • Abstract:

    The object of study of the present work is the Oscar-winning short film 2021, ‘’Dois Estranhos’’. In this cinematographic work, the protagonist Carter is the representation of thousands of young black people who are victims of racism and who suffer from state violence, represented by the policeman Merk. In an interdisciplinary way, from the perspective of the short film, the work intends to investigate the legacies of the Brazilian slave mode of production and its relation with institutional racism, as well as to analyze state violence and its affinity with racism, evidencing the non-application of the fundamental principles in criminal justice. The work dialogues with several areas of knowledge, such as History and Sociology. The research method used is deductive. The results achieved indicate that there are many legal and cultural ties that make it impossible or delay the end of Brazilian institutional racism, denouncing a State that is silent in relation to the fundamental rights and guarantees of the black population.

  • Renata Eleutério Lechinewski
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