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Domestic and Family Violence Against Women, Alarming Numbers in Rio Grande do Sul. Necessary protection of fundamental rights

The present article sought to problematize the phenomenon of domestic and family violence against women, based on the alarming data obtained from the Reports of the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Sul between the years 2017 and 2021, which demonstrate to be the highest rate of police records and complaints compared to other types of criminal offences. It is proposed to answer the following question: what are the advances and actions necessary to implement the full protection of women in the intra-family environment, despite constitutional protection and the Maria da Penha Law? There is a glimpse of the existence of a range of attitudes and actions disseminated in human relations, which subjugate women to a set of situations that threaten their dignity, reproducing a culture that protrudes over time and victimizes them in the form of physical, sexual, moral, psychological,

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Domestic and Family Violence Against Women, Alarming Numbers in Rio Grande do Sul. Necessary protection of fundamental rights

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.21631323080610

  • Palavras-chave: Domestic and family violence against women. Insufficient protection. Fundamental rights.

  • Keywords: Domestic and family violence against women. Insufficient protection. Fundamental rights.

  • Abstract:

    The present article sought to problematize the phenomenon of domestic and family violence against women, based on the alarming data obtained from the Reports of the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Sul between the years 2017 and 2021, which demonstrate to be the highest rate of police records and complaints compared to other types of criminal offences. It is proposed to answer the following question: what are the advances and actions necessary to implement the full protection of women in the intra-family environment, despite constitutional protection and the Maria da Penha Law? There is a glimpse of the existence of a range of attitudes and actions disseminated in human relations, which subjugate women to a set of situations that threaten their dignity, reproducing a culture that protrudes over time and victimizes them in the form of physical, sexual, moral, psychological,

  • Fábio Roque Sbardellotto
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