Artigo - Atena Editora


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The human body needs nutrients to perform its functions, the factors that influence the viability of nutrients are digestion, absorption, distribution of the nutrient through the bloodstream.
The viability of food is the degree to which the nutrients in food are absorbed by the body. However, the amount we consume of a nutrient is not always the amount that the body actually uses, although food covers a biological need, but social, cultural and economic factors influence the acquired dietary pattern. That pattern has been influenced by the globalization of different cultures, foods and types of diets. At an international level, the food industry has proposed including amaranth in various products due to its high nutritional content. That is why the objective of this article was to identify what the cultivation of amaranth represents for producing families and how they incorporate it into their dietary pattern. The methodology is qualitative, with a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach with a descriptive scope through participant observation. Results show that the main utility they give to the cultivation of amaranth is 91% for food, they consider it a crop with high nutritional value 97% and that has allowed them to adopt it for their diet and this way they promote its consumption and production.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.813392322095

  • Palavras-chave: Nutritional properties, proximal composition, consumption

  • Keywords: Nutritional properties, proximal composition, consumption

  • Abstract:

    The human body needs nutrients to perform its functions, the factors that influence the viability of nutrients are digestion, absorption, distribution of the nutrient through the bloodstream.
    The viability of food is the degree to which the nutrients in food are absorbed by the body. However, the amount we consume of a nutrient is not always the amount that the body actually uses, although food covers a biological need, but social, cultural and economic factors influence the acquired dietary pattern. That pattern has been influenced by the globalization of different cultures, foods and types of diets. At an international level, the food industry has proposed including amaranth in various products due to its high nutritional content. That is why the objective of this article was to identify what the cultivation of amaranth represents for producing families and how they incorporate it into their dietary pattern. The methodology is qualitative, with a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach with a descriptive scope through participant observation. Results show that the main utility they give to the cultivation of amaranth is 91% for food, they consider it a crop with high nutritional value 97% and that has allowed them to adopt it for their diet and this way they promote its consumption and production.

  • Beatriz Rebeca Hernández
  • Gisela Margarita Santiago Martínez
  • Salvador Lozano Trejo
  • Ernesto Castañeda Hidalgo
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