Artigo - Atena Editora


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Advantages and disadvantages of GPT chat for education

The text explores the potential of Chat GPT in education, highlighting benefits and challenges. It mentions advantages such as personalized learning, administrative efficiency, and expanded access to education. However, it also addresses ethical concerns, such as the generation of harmful content and the exacerbation of educational inequalities. Recommendations include adequate training for educators, neutral research on Chat GPT usage, and assessment of the impacts of this technology on student learning. The text emphasizes the importance of ethical and responsible use of Chat GPT, as well as the ongoing role of educators in supervising and addressing potential ethical challenges. Additionally, it highlights the emergence of other artificial intelligence tools that use similar technologies, indicating the need for educators to stay updated and prepared to deal with these innovations.

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Advantages and disadvantages of GPT chat for education

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: GPT chat, Education, Personalization, Ethics, Challenges

  • Keywords: GPT chat, Education, Personalization, Ethics, Challenges

  • Abstract: The text explores the potential of Chat GPT in education, highlighting benefits and challenges. It mentions advantages such as personalized learning, administrative efficiency, and expanded access to education. However, it also addresses ethical concerns, such as the generation of harmful content and the exacerbation of educational inequalities. Recommendations include adequate training for educators, neutral research on Chat GPT usage, and assessment of the impacts of this technology on student learning. The text emphasizes the importance of ethical and responsible use of Chat GPT, as well as the ongoing role of educators in supervising and addressing potential ethical challenges. Additionally, it highlights the emergence of other artificial intelligence tools that use similar technologies, indicating the need for educators to stay updated and prepared to deal with these innovations.

  • Marcus Fernandes da Silva
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