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To increase mental capacity and improve productivity, a significant portion of medical students make recurrent use of methylphenidate during graduation. Such behavior is alarming, due to the risks to physical and mental health. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to alert medical students about the importance of a fruitful study, since the misuse of this medication can cause several side effects, such as: an increase in the degree of dependence, total suppression of appetite, high blood pressure, disturbances in the sleep, anxiety and depression. This way, this article has as the objective  to carry out a bibliographic review on the misuse of methylphenidate (MPH), without a medical prescription, among students of Medical Schools. Academic works were analyzed, in Portuguese, between the years 2014 to 2022, found in the Scielo electronic database, using descriptors such as: use of methylphenidate by medical students and methylphenidate without medical prescription. After searching and filtering the articles found, 7 works were established, 6 of which were used, selected according to the relationship of the article with the proposed theme. Related articles were included in the study and those not related to the topic were excluded. Most of them stand out that the use of such medication is intensified and often begins during graduation, and frequent use occurs mainly in the test period, with the aim of acquiring greater academic performance. Inappropriate use is amplified due to lack of information and abuse by academics, together with the lack of debate by institutions. It was also verified that its use increased in the fourth year of the course, considered by the students as the most difficult of the college, thus justifying the use of methylphenidate, since they feel more willing and concentrated. In summary, this bibliographical review shows the importance of raising awareness among academics about abusive and over-the-counter use, which can be mitigated by preventive actions within the Faculties of Medicine. As alternatives to the intensive routine, the presentation of non-pharmacological interventions to improve cognitive development is mentioned; suggestion of other methods such as sleep hygiene; organization of studies; exercises that improve mental capacity and increase measures that favor quality of life, such as physical activity and good nutrition. Such actions contribute to physical and mental health, reflected in their medical practice. Founded by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1946, which defines "Health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593542319078

  • Palavras-chave: Methylphenidate; Medical students; Methylphenidate without prescription;

  • Keywords: Methylphenidate; Medical students; Methylphenidate without prescription;

  • Abstract:

    To increase mental capacity and improve productivity, a significant portion of medical students make recurrent use of methylphenidate during graduation. Such behavior is alarming, due to the risks to physical and mental health. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to alert medical students about the importance of a fruitful study, since the misuse of this medication can cause several side effects, such as: an increase in the degree of dependence, total suppression of appetite, high blood pressure, disturbances in the sleep, anxiety and depression. This way, this article has as the objective  to carry out a bibliographic review on the misuse of methylphenidate (MPH), without a medical prescription, among students of Medical Schools. Academic works were analyzed, in Portuguese, between the years 2014 to 2022, found in the Scielo electronic database, using descriptors such as: use of methylphenidate by medical students and methylphenidate without medical prescription. After searching and filtering the articles found, 7 works were established, 6 of which were used, selected according to the relationship of the article with the proposed theme. Related articles were included in the study and those not related to the topic were excluded. Most of them stand out that the use of such medication is intensified and often begins during graduation, and frequent use occurs mainly in the test period, with the aim of acquiring greater academic performance. Inappropriate use is amplified due to lack of information and abuse by academics, together with the lack of debate by institutions. It was also verified that its use increased in the fourth year of the course, considered by the students as the most difficult of the college, thus justifying the use of methylphenidate, since they feel more willing and concentrated. In summary, this bibliographical review shows the importance of raising awareness among academics about abusive and over-the-counter use, which can be mitigated by preventive actions within the Faculties of Medicine. As alternatives to the intensive routine, the presentation of non-pharmacological interventions to improve cognitive development is mentioned; suggestion of other methods such as sleep hygiene; organization of studies; exercises that improve mental capacity and increase measures that favor quality of life, such as physical activity and good nutrition. Such actions contribute to physical and mental health, reflected in their medical practice. Founded by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1946, which defines "Health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".

  • Ana Clara de Sena ARAÚJO
  • Bianca Gabriela LONGO
  • Isabela Leão PALUDETO
  • Letícia Francisco de AZEVEDO
  • Letícia Maria STRIOLLI
  • Mariana Jarussi RODRIGUEIRO
  • Rafael Bottaro GELALETI
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