Use of ultrasonography in the evaluation and interaction of body condition and ovarian activity in trihybrid female sheep from the F.U.J.D.C. sheepfold. in the municipality of Soracá
Use of ultrasonography in the evaluation and interaction of body condition and ovarian activity in trihybrid female sheep from the F.U.J.D.C. sheepfold. in the municipality of Soracá
Palavras-chave: actividad ovárica, condición corporal, estro, ovinocultura, transrectal, ultrasonografía.
Keywords: ovarian activity, body condition, estrus, sheep culture, transrectal, ultrasonography.
Sheep farming is one of the agricultural productions with the greatest possibilities for development in Colombia. To improve the reproductive efficiency of herds, it is necessary to study body condition (BC) and how it affects reproductive physiology; Because in our region there were no studies on this topic with our environmental and productive conditions, this research work was carried out at the FUJDC Soracá sheepfold facilities at an altitude of 2799 meters above sea level, an average temperature of 13° Celsius, for this 25 female sheep were used, of which 68% had one birth and 32% had two or more births, with ages between 19 and 62 months and an average live weight of 38.6 ± 6 kg, CC between 2 and 5, classified by the Jefferies method, (1961, classification 1 to 5), transrectal and dorsal ultrasonography was performed at the level of the thirteenth rib to evaluate their ovarian activity, the width and depth of the Longissimus dorsi muscle and the thickness of fat. dorsal (EGD), the preovulatory follicles were classified as small (22%), medium (62%) and large (16%), the EGD varied between 0.2 and 1.1 mm, with a high correlation coefficient with the CC (r=0.8799), like the EGD with the follicular activity which had a low and positive correlation coefficient (r=0.6414), the activity at metestrus determined by ultrasonography 6 days after ovulation determined that 51.28% of the females presented corpora lutea, they had an ovulatory rate of 1.81, through Chi-square tests it was determined that there is a dependence between the EGD and ovarian activity at 6 days post estrus for the right ovary. (p=0.0026) and the left ovary (p=0.00098)
- Daniel Fernando Gonzalez Mendoza
- Pedro Jaime Ernesto Pacheco Puerto
- Yuli carolina González Mendoza
- Erika Eliana Toloza Gordillo