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The present investigation was carried out at the Felipe Carrillo Puerto primary school, morning shift, belonging to the municipality of San Pedro Coahuila, Mexico. The objective was to analyze the effectiveness of the evaluation using technological tools applied in the educational environment. It was carried out with the teachers of the aforementioned primary school, it was validated with a virtual instrument, which had 12 items using the Likert scale to identify the tools or applications that each teacher and manager handles in the educational field, said instrument obtained a result of 0.93 coefficient by using Cronbach's Alpha. Where 25% of teachers use virtual learning environments to carry out the evaluation and 75% disagree with their use or do not use them. 87.5% do not use technological tools for the application of exams, while 12.5% ​​apply it periodically. Due to the health restrictions due to the pandemic, there is a need to delve into the use of technologies and the use of their tools in order to establish a school environment appropriate to the needs of educational work. Understanding as technologies all the resources that can be connected through a computer, or digital devices; being effective and versatile tools. These tools have not been exploited to their full potential in current educational institutions, referring to primary school teachers, belonging to the basic education level. Pretending with its use new forms and resources to achieve an effective evaluation in the students.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582362223116

  • Palavras-chave: Evaluation, Technological tools, Educational, Teachers, Students

  • Keywords: Evaluation, Technological tools, Educational, Teachers, Students

  • Abstract:

    The present investigation was carried out at the Felipe Carrillo Puerto primary school, morning shift, belonging to the municipality of San Pedro Coahuila, Mexico. The objective was to analyze the effectiveness of the evaluation using technological tools applied in the educational environment. It was carried out with the teachers of the aforementioned primary school, it was validated with a virtual instrument, which had 12 items using the Likert scale to identify the tools or applications that each teacher and manager handles in the educational field, said instrument obtained a result of 0.93 coefficient by using Cronbach's Alpha. Where 25% of teachers use virtual learning environments to carry out the evaluation and 75% disagree with their use or do not use them. 87.5% do not use technological tools for the application of exams, while 12.5% ​​apply it periodically. Due to the health restrictions due to the pandemic, there is a need to delve into the use of technologies and the use of their tools in order to establish a school environment appropriate to the needs of educational work. Understanding as technologies all the resources that can be connected through a computer, or digital devices; being effective and versatile tools. These tools have not been exploited to their full potential in current educational institutions, referring to primary school teachers, belonging to the basic education level. Pretending with its use new forms and resources to achieve an effective evaluation in the students.

  • Luis Ramsés Argumedo Vega
  • Rocío Ibarra Rodríguez
  • Hector Enrique Escobar Olguin
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