This work presents the experience of applying the Problem-Based Learning method in the discipline of Modeling and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) in the Control and Automation Engineering course at Instituto Federal Catarinense - Luzerna campus. The objective of this course is to present concepts on Discrete Event Systems Modeling (SEDs), on PLC architecture and programming and to develop Supervisory Control Systems for PLC controlled systems. Initially the discipline is responsible for passing on the initial basic concepts to students, through an extensive number of exercises oriented to be performed autonomously, and finally challenging students to develop control of a simulated system. In this last step, a simulated industrial plant is proposed as a problem, built by means of a microcontrolled device with inputs, outputs and LED indicators. This device has its programming based on SEDs, whose model is used to build the control to be implemented in the PLC. The development of the control and its implementation in the PLC proved to be a very effective way to establish the initial concepts, in addition to promoting the autonomy of future engineers for teamwork and solving a real practical problem.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.317282219051
Palavras-chave: Problem-Based Learning, Discrete Event Systems, Discrete Event Systems Modeling, Supervisory Control Theory, Programmable Logic Controllers.
Keywords: Problem-Based Learning, Discrete Event Systems, Discrete Event Systems Modeling, Supervisory Control Theory, Programmable Logic Controllers.
This work presents the experience of applying the Problem-Based Learning method in the discipline of Modeling and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) in the Control and Automation Engineering course at Instituto Federal Catarinense - Luzerna campus. The objective of this course is to present concepts on Discrete Event Systems Modeling (SEDs), on PLC architecture and programming and to develop Supervisory Control Systems for PLC controlled systems. Initially the discipline is responsible for passing on the initial basic concepts to students, through an extensive number of exercises oriented to be performed autonomously, and finally challenging students to develop control of a simulated system. In this last step, a simulated industrial plant is proposed as a problem, built by means of a microcontrolled device with inputs, outputs and LED indicators. This device has its programming based on SEDs, whose model is used to build the control to be implemented in the PLC. The development of the control and its implementation in the PLC proved to be a very effective way to establish the initial concepts, in addition to promoting the autonomy of future engineers for teamwork and solving a real practical problem. Initially, in this subject, basic concepts are presented to the students by means of an extensive number of oriented exercises to be performed autonomously, and as the final project, students are chelenged to develop the supervisory control of a simulated system. In this last step, a simulated industrial plant, built using a microcontrolled device with inputs, outputs and LED indicators, is proposed as a problem. This device has its programming based on DES. Its model is used on the construction of the control to be implemented in the PLC.
The development of the controller and its implementation in the PLC proved to be a very effective way to better learning the concepts initially discussed, besides providing the future engineers autonomy for teamwork and solving a real practical problem. -
Número de páginas: 12
- Thiago Javaroni Prati
- Luan Cizeski de Lorenzi
- Antonio Ribas Neto
- Rafael Garlet de Oliveira