Artigo - Atena Editora


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It is understood that the Indigenous Quilombola Program for Admission to Technical and Higher Education (PAIETSIQ) is extremely important, demonstrating itself as an extension of the rights of students who entered through the specific process. This project does not only work with the admission of these students, but with the permanence of these students in college.
Thus, considering such importance, it proposes to articulate ways to promote the permanence of these students at ``Universidade Federal do Rio Grande`` (FURG). Thus, it is necessary to introduce students to general computer knowledge, including workshops on how to use the tools: Text Editor, Slide Editor and Spreadsheets. All focusing on ABNT standards.
The project aimed for students to finally know how to implement editing tools with a focus on carrying out academic work in ABNT standards.
Among the content of the workshop, there was a focus on the following themes:
1. Use Text Editor for monographs, TCCs and the like;
2. Create presentations in Slides, ranging from simple college work to using it to defend scientific work and any presentations in an academic environment;
3. Use worksheets from the creation of scientific initiation worksheets to tables of articles. Your formulas and formatting structures;
4. Present the ABNT rules for formatting each mentioned program.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583212329063

  • Palavras-chave: Teaching, technology, Social inclusion.

  • Keywords: Teaching, technology, Social inclusion.

  • Abstract:

    It is understood that the Indigenous Quilombola Program for Admission to Technical and Higher Education (PAIETSIQ) is extremely important, demonstrating itself as an extension of the rights of students who entered through the specific process. This project does not only work with the admission of these students, but with the permanence of these students in college.
    Thus, considering such importance, it proposes to articulate ways to promote the permanence of these students at ``Universidade Federal do Rio Grande`` (FURG). Thus, it is necessary to introduce students to general computer knowledge, including workshops on how to use the tools: Text Editor, Slide Editor and Spreadsheets. All focusing on ABNT standards.
    The project aimed for students to finally know how to implement editing tools with a focus on carrying out academic work in ABNT standards.
    Among the content of the workshop, there was a focus on the following themes:
    1. Use Text Editor for monographs, TCCs and the like;
    2. Create presentations in Slides, ranging from simple college work to using it to defend scientific work and any presentations in an academic environment;
    3. Use worksheets from the creation of scientific initiation worksheets to tables of articles. Your formulas and formatting structures;
    4. Present the ABNT rules for formatting each mentioned program.

  • Jeniffer Neves Mendonça
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