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Unraveling Complexity: Shaping the Future of Process Improvement in Highly Automated Production with Digital Innovation

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Unraveling Complexity: Shaping the Future of Process Improvement in Highly Automated Production with Digital Innovation

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173412307127

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: Continuous Process Improvement, Process Optimization, Focus Group

  • Abstract: Companies must continually evolve to meet dynamic conditions and sustain competitiveness, necessitating fundamental shifts in organizational structure, employee mindset, and ongoing improvement of internal processes across direct and indirect areas. This complexity is particularly pronounced in highly automated production settings, challenging further enhancements to existing processes. This paper explores the evolving role of process improvement in highly automated production and the relevance of emerging digital technologies in boosting productivity. To address this research inquiry, virtual focus groups were selected as a qualitative approach, with seven executives from German large-scale enterprises evaluating the future role of process improvements in highly automated manufacturing. The findings indicate a significant potential for process improvements in manufacturing. While the integration of continuous process improvement aims for incremental enhancements, new technologies offer avenues to address existing inefficiencies, unscheduled downtimes, and excessive rework by tackling previously unresolved issues.

  • Christoph Szedlak
  • Bert Leyendecker
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