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Unemployment, Health, and Sleep: Does unemployment affect sleep? Some exploratory considerations for a research-action project

This article explores literature published between 2015 and 2021 considering the theme of “unemployment and sleep” with starting question: Does unemployment affect sleep?

Besides, a sociological framework of the theme "unemployment" is presented in relation to the social history of "employment" and "work".

First, we address the relationship between work and unemployment and the relevance of the debate. Secondly, we treat their connection with the health of those who live in unemployment situations. Later, we debate the relationship between unemployment, and sleep, even though the literature is scarce. The final discussion aims to contribute to the advancement of sleep studies in relation to other social phenomena. We propose that the connection between Health Psychology, and Social Sciences may help to consolidate knowledge and to promote coordinated interdisciplinary actions with research and practice of help interventions. The history of science reveals that dialogue between scientific disciplines is a dynamic path that biopsychosocial complexity thanks in response to human, cultural, and societal needs.

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Unemployment, Health, and Sleep: Does unemployment affect sleep? Some exploratory considerations for a research-action project

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.558312301019

  • Palavras-chave: "Unemployment"; “Work”; “Employment”; "Health"; "Sleep"; " Participatory action research intervention”.

  • Keywords: "Unemployment"; “Work”; “Employment”; "Health"; "Sleep"; " Participatory action research intervention”.

  • Abstract:

    This article explores literature published between 2015 and 2021 considering the theme of “unemployment and sleep” with starting question: Does unemployment affect sleep?

    Besides, a sociological framework of the theme "unemployment" is presented in relation to the social history of "employment" and "work".

    First, we address the relationship between work and unemployment and the relevance of the debate. Secondly, we treat their connection with the health of those who live in unemployment situations. Later, we debate the relationship between unemployment, and sleep, even though the literature is scarce. The final discussion aims to contribute to the advancement of sleep studies in relation to other social phenomena. We propose that the connection between Health Psychology, and Social Sciences may help to consolidate knowledge and to promote coordinated interdisciplinary actions with research and practice of help interventions. The history of science reveals that dialogue between scientific disciplines is a dynamic path that biopsychosocial complexity thanks in response to human, cultural, and societal needs.

  • Isabel Maria A. Marçano Caetano y Clemente
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