Hearing impairment affects an important part of the Brazilian population, which faces numerous barriers in the accessibility to health services. Problems such as communication failure increase the chances of misdiagnosis, medical record errors, non-adherence to treatment, constraints, suffering and user dissatisfaction. In order for the deaf patient to enjoy quality care, it was necessary, therefore, to have an important focus on this relevant topic. Revisional, this text includes discussions based on scientific research in the health area regarding deaf patients, as well as the difficulties and barriers in the doctor-patient relationship. In view of this, the work carried out aims to point out the main difficulties experienced by deaf patients in the face of the unpreparedness of the health professional, in addition to the constant need for a family member as an "interpreter", which results in the loss of their independence and privacy during consultations. Through scientific articles taken from renowned platforms in the health area, several proposals and solutions were evidenced, in order to facilitate the understanding and elucidation by the professional regarding the perspective of the deaf patient, so that equity in the quality of care is guaranteed. for all.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159262211025
Palavras-chave: Deaf. Hearing deficiency. Sign language. Doctor-Patient Relationship.
Keywords: Deaf. Hearing deficiency. Sign language. Doctor-Patient Relationship.
Hearing impairment affects an important part of the Brazilian population, which faces numerous barriers in the accessibility to health services. Problems such as communication failure increase the chances of misdiagnosis, medical record errors, non-adherence to treatment, constraints, suffering and user dissatisfaction. In order for the deaf patient to enjoy quality care, it was necessary, therefore, to have an important focus on this relevant topic. Revisional, this text includes discussions based on scientific research in the health area regarding deaf patients, as well as the difficulties and barriers in the doctor-patient relationship. In view of this, the work carried out aims to point out the main difficulties experienced by deaf patients in the face of the unpreparedness of the health professional, in addition to the constant need for a family member as an "interpreter", which results in the loss of their independence and privacy during consultations. Through scientific articles taken from renowned platforms in the health area, several proposals and solutions were evidenced, in order to facilitate the understanding and elucidation by the professional regarding the perspective of the deaf patient, so that equity in the quality of care is guaranteed. for all.
Número de páginas: 19
- Eduardo Alves Giranda
- Gabriel Valiante de Oliveira Cabral
- Pedro Guedes Ferreira
- Federico Frascino Nesi
- Thalis Limonge de Oliveira Monteiro