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Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a strategy frequently used in Computer Science Educational Programs. This article outlines an applied research using the paradigm of the agile approach adapted to the development of academic projects as a learning strategy in higher level educational programs. In this sense, the main objective of the research is the design of a model capable of being reproduced in order to formulate innovative projects with the construction, use and/or implementation of technologies to meet the expectations of the development of skills in the area. of computer science focused on project-based learning (ABP) and the generation of knowledge. The methodology used responds to the deductive method, in which the precepts of agility, the Scrum framework and the PBL could be contrasted with the purpose of defining and designing an agile model of academic projects that allow the integration of competencies, skills, knowledge and technologies that add value to the approach of the proposed project. Finally, as a result obtained, the model created and the discussion of the findings and achievements obtained are exhibited. Experimental studies of the model and its adaptation to other contexts in different areas of educational work remain for future lines of research.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173172331056

  • Palavras-chave: academy, agility, model, project, scrum.

  • Keywords: academy, agility, model, project, scrum.

  • Abstract:

    Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a strategy frequently used in Computer Science Educational Programs. This article outlines an applied research using the paradigm of the agile approach adapted to the development of academic projects as a learning strategy in higher level educational programs. In this sense, the main objective of the research is the design of a model capable of being reproduced in order to formulate innovative projects with the construction, use and/or implementation of technologies to meet the expectations of the development of skills in the area. of computer science focused on project-based learning (ABP) and the generation of knowledge. The methodology used responds to the deductive method, in which the precepts of agility, the Scrum framework and the PBL could be contrasted with the purpose of defining and designing an agile model of academic projects that allow the integration of competencies, skills, knowledge and technologies that add value to the approach of the proposed project. Finally, as a result obtained, the model created and the discussion of the findings and achievements obtained are exhibited. Experimental studies of the model and its adaptation to other contexts in different areas of educational work remain for future lines of research.

  • Luz Maria Hernández Cruz
  • Guadalupe Manuel Estrada Segovia
  • Joel Cristoper Flores Escalante
  • Daniel Alberto Pantí González
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