An analysis of the most significant factors in the contracting of different financial products by families in Spain
An analysis of the most significant factors in the contracting of different financial products by families in Spain
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163262303101
Palavras-chave: Entidades Financieras; Inversión Colectiva; Análisis Discriminante; Regresión Logística
Keywords: Financial entities; Collective Investment; Discriminant Analysis; Logistic regression
In December 2017, the savings of Spanish families in financial assets amounted to 262,847 million in investment funds, 111,076 million euros in pension funds and 4,199 million euros in life insurance premiums. The relevance of these data suggests approaching the study of the most determining factors that affect the decision by family units in Spain when contracting these financial products. Some multivariate analysis techniques can be very useful in this regard, together with data from the Bank of Spain's Household Financial Survey.
- Julian Llorent Jurado
- José Antonio Ordaz-Sanz
- Mª Carmen Melgar-Hiraldo
- Flor Mª Guerrero-Casas