Artigo - Atena Editora


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Administration has become increasingly essential and notable in the corporate eye and along with this, leadership and the role of the leader have been leveraged and gained value. This research aims to analyze the characteristics that would form a successful leader, inspired by the style of Jesus Christ. To achieve the objective, survey-type research was carried out, checking leadership styles in the literature, their characteristic points and similarities with those adopted by Jesus. For a long time, organizations looked for professionals to fill the gap or saw individuals as simply a resource, while in reality they are a resource generator, from which all the wealth of an organization comes. Understanding the role of human beings in the corporate world, we can also understand the importance of a true leader and not just corporate bosses, how important a humanized view is and even understand that love and professionalism go together, and not separately as has always been interpreted in history.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: leadership; leader; leadership styles; administration; Jesus.

  • Keywords: leadership; leader; leadership styles; administration; Jesus.

  • Abstract:

    Administration has become increasingly essential and notable in the corporate eye and along with this, leadership and the role of the leader have been leveraged and gained value. This research aims to analyze the characteristics that would form a successful leader, inspired by the style of Jesus Christ. To achieve the objective, survey-type research was carried out, checking leadership styles in the literature, their characteristic points and similarities with those adopted by Jesus. For a long time, organizations looked for professionals to fill the gap or saw individuals as simply a resource, while in reality they are a resource generator, from which all the wealth of an organization comes. Understanding the role of human beings in the corporate world, we can also understand the importance of a true leader and not just corporate bosses, how important a humanized view is and even understand that love and professionalism go together, and not separately as has always been interpreted in history.

  • Bruno Oliveira Martins da Silva
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