Artigo - Atena Editora


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Introduction: Floods affect more than 102 million people worldwide, especially those in underdeveloped and vulnerable countries. Brazil over the past few years has experienced several floods, leaving dozens of deaths and irreparable economic losses. Objective: To understand the epidemiological profile of flood-related hospitalizations in the country according to each region, understanding the main consequences and the mechanisms to combat flooding implemented between 2008 and 2022. Methodology: This is a descriptive observational study, whose data were collected by the DataSUS platform. The collection was started from the Hospital Information System (SIH), through hospital morbidity data by means of notifications and hospitalizations between January 2008 and December 2022, using the disease category: Victim of flood ICD 10 - X38. Results and Discussion: In the country the distribution of hospitalizations is not uniform, affecting mainly the Northeast region and males. These disasters are responsible for causing, besides the infra-structural damage, physical and emotional sequels. Conclusion: Floods are chronic problems in Brazil and worldwide. Thus, understanding the most affected places and the most affected population is fundamental to propose prevention measures aimed at mitigating these impasses.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593222329035

  • Palavras-chave: Flood; natural disasters; overlooked issues

  • Keywords: Flood; natural disasters; overlooked issues

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Floods affect more than 102 million people worldwide, especially those in underdeveloped and vulnerable countries. Brazil over the past few years has experienced several floods, leaving dozens of deaths and irreparable economic losses. Objective: To understand the epidemiological profile of flood-related hospitalizations in the country according to each region, understanding the main consequences and the mechanisms to combat flooding implemented between 2008 and 2022. Methodology: This is a descriptive observational study, whose data were collected by the DataSUS platform. The collection was started from the Hospital Information System (SIH), through hospital morbidity data by means of notifications and hospitalizations between January 2008 and December 2022, using the disease category: Victim of flood ICD 10 - X38. Results and Discussion: In the country the distribution of hospitalizations is not uniform, affecting mainly the Northeast region and males. These disasters are responsible for causing, besides the infra-structural damage, physical and emotional sequels. Conclusion: Floods are chronic problems in Brazil and worldwide. Thus, understanding the most affected places and the most affected population is fundamental to propose prevention measures aimed at mitigating these impasses.

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