Artigo - Atena Editora


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The present study sought to understand the occupation/work as being central in the life of the human being and which, in turn, has a relevant factor in the construction of identities and social insertion of the same, but there is not always satisfaction in the exercise of the profession, the which can often trigger from dissatisfaction to emotional exhaustion. Burnout syndrome is also referred to as physical and emotional exhaustion syndrome caused by professional stress and is one of the items described in this text. Therefore, this article sought to collect data to identify a possible relationship between the weariness of the individual in the exercise of the profession and emotional disorders such as depression and emotional exhaustion. Using a descriptive survey study methodology, of a quantitative nature, in this project we will analyze the possible symptoms associated with depression and exhaustion, due to psychosocial ergonomic factors present in the work environment of call center/telemarketing operators. analysis of Dass-21 inventories, Maslach Inventory Burnout scale, Structured Interview SRQ-20 (Self-Reporting Questionnaire) that were applied to call center/telemarketing operators in a medium-sized city in the interior of São Paulo. Through the data obtained, it was possible to verify that social factors such as age, marital status, recognition at work, satisfaction and remuneration can interfere in the choice of a second occupation and can contribute to the appearance of symptoms of exhaustion mentioned above, which end up interfering in the index of removal of professionals from their work bringing consequent damage to all, not only financial but also in quality of service provided, quality of life among other factors.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583132319047

  • Palavras-chave: Burnout syndrome. Depression. Telemarketers. Ergonomics.

  • Keywords: Burnout syndrome. Depression. Telemarketers. Ergonomics.

  • Abstract:

    The present study sought to understand the occupation/work as being central in the life of the human being and which, in turn, has a relevant factor in the construction of identities and social insertion of the same, but there is not always satisfaction in the exercise of the profession, the which can often trigger from dissatisfaction to emotional exhaustion. Burnout syndrome is also referred to as physical and emotional exhaustion syndrome caused by professional stress and is one of the items described in this text. Therefore, this article sought to collect data to identify a possible relationship between the weariness of the individual in the exercise of the profession and emotional disorders such as depression and emotional exhaustion. Using a descriptive survey study methodology, of a quantitative nature, in this project we will analyze the possible symptoms associated with depression and exhaustion, due to psychosocial ergonomic factors present in the work environment of call center/telemarketing operators. analysis of Dass-21 inventories, Maslach Inventory Burnout scale, Structured Interview SRQ-20 (Self-Reporting Questionnaire) that were applied to call center/telemarketing operators in a medium-sized city in the interior of São Paulo. Through the data obtained, it was possible to verify that social factors such as age, marital status, recognition at work, satisfaction and remuneration can interfere in the choice of a second occupation and can contribute to the appearance of symptoms of exhaustion mentioned above, which end up interfering in the index of removal of professionals from their work bringing consequent damage to all, not only financial but also in quality of service provided, quality of life among other factors.

  • Nelmelice Xavier
  • Valmir Schork
  • Leda Maria Branco
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