Artigo - Atena Editora


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Objective: to report the case of a patient with Frantz's tumor, whose initial clinical presentation is very different from what is already reported in the literature, after all, he presented with clear signs of sepsis and necrohemorrhagic pancreatitis. Method: information was obtained by reviewing the medical records, interviewing the patient and companion, photographing the diagnostic methods to which the patient was submitted, and reviewing the literature. Conclusions: the reported case, editions and presentations made bring to light the discussion of the therapy of a rare and complex situation that is Frantz's tumor and demonstrate that, despite the rarity of the cases and the fact that it has a variable presentation, when conducts are well performed based on clinical and laboratory parameters, the surgical decision (exploratory laparotomy) is capable of obtaining satisfactory diagnostic and therapeutic results.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159312301016

  • Palavras-chave: Pain, pancreatitis, tumor, Frantz, laparotomy.

  • Keywords: Pain, pancreatitis, tumor, Frantz, laparotomy.

  • Abstract:

    Objective: to report the case of a patient with Frantz's tumor, whose initial clinical presentation is very different from what is already reported in the literature, after all, he presented with clear signs of sepsis and necrohemorrhagic pancreatitis. Method: information was obtained by reviewing the medical records, interviewing the patient and companion, photographing the diagnostic methods to which the patient was submitted, and reviewing the literature. Conclusions: the reported case, editions and presentations made bring to light the discussion of the therapy of a rare and complex situation that is Frantz's tumor and demonstrate that, despite the rarity of the cases and the fact that it has a variable presentation, when conducts are well performed based on clinical and laboratory parameters, the surgical decision (exploratory laparotomy) is capable of obtaining satisfactory diagnostic and therapeutic results.

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