Artigo - Atena Editora


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capa do ebook TREATMENT OF FETTO-FETAL TRANSFUSION SYNDROME: an integrative review


One of the main complications of twin pregnancies is the fetal-fetal transfusion syndrome (TTTS), it is important to observe the representation by the oligo-polyhydramnios (PCOS) and anemia-polycythemia (PAS) sequences, when in severe stages, the expectant management for each one of them is associated with poor prognosis, with a high rate of intrauterine and perinatal mortality, including a high rate of neurological impairment in survivors. In this sense, it is necessary to determine three essential points in this research: first, the investigation of the state of the art in the literary scene on the subject through the Integrative Review (IR) methodology, the second point is to present as scope the main therapeutic forms of the STFF and finally, to present the result of this scenario in relation to the treatment of the STFF.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592462208083

  • Palavras-chave: Twin pregnancy. Feto-fetal transfusion syndrome. Treatment.

  • Keywords: Twin pregnancy. Feto-fetal transfusion syndrome. Treatment.

  • Abstract:

    One of the main complications of twin pregnancies is the fetal-fetal transfusion syndrome (TTTS), it is important to observe the representation by the oligo-polyhydramnios (PCOS) and anemia-polycythemia (PAS) sequences, when in severe stages, the expectant management for each one of them is associated with poor prognosis, with a high rate of intrauterine and perinatal mortality, including a high rate of neurological impairment in survivors. In this sense, it is necessary to determine three essential points in this research: first, the investigation of the state of the art in the literary scene on the subject through the Integrative Review (IR) methodology, the second point is to present as scope the main therapeutic forms of the STFF and finally, to present the result of this scenario in relation to the treatment of the STFF.

  • Número de páginas: 6

  • Marcos Alves Gomes
  • Amanda Cristina Gonçalves Gomes de Sousa
  • Amanda Naves Carvalho
  • Andreia Monique Rodrigues Honorato
  • Deborah de Kássia Gonçalves Gomes de Sousa
  • Emmily Menezes Pedroso
  • Gil Mário Cordeiro da Silva Junior
  • Lyzandra Almeida Barros Alves
  • Maria Eduarda de Azeredo Amaral
  • Rafaella Almeida Oliveira
  • Rayssa Coutinho Diógenes
  • Vinícius Oliveira Gonçalves
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