TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINOSINUSITIS: Knowledge of residents in family and community medicine
Rhinosinusitis is an acute or chronic, infectious, allergic or irritating inflammation of the nasal mucosa, and chronic or recurrent cases are usually determined by allergy. Goal: to evaluate the knowledge of residents in family and community medicine about clinical care practices aimed at patients with allergic rhinitis. Methodology: a survey, descriptive, cross-sectional, exploratory research with a quantitative approach was carried out with Residents in Family and Community Medicine at the Centro Universitário de Patos, based on data collection with a digital questionnaire containing 10 objective questions. After answering the document, each resident received a copy of the questions and the respective answer. Results: 23 residents participated in this study (09 men and 14 women), 10 belonging to the first year of residency and 13 to the second, with an average age of 28 years and an average time since graduation of 2 full years. When asked how often they treated patients with rhinosinusitis, weekly prevailed (69.6%). They were also asked to report on a scale from 0 to 10 how much they mastered the content, and most considered average knowledge, attributing 7 (43.5%). In general, there was an average of 7.04 hits (4~9). Conclusions: Thus, the study identified that residents presented the necessary knowledge to care for patients with allergic rhinosinusitis in Primary Care, demonstrating the provision of safe and effective care, however, constant updates are necessary, focusing on the themes with the greatest weaknesses: probiotics, lysates bacteria and specific immunotherapy.
TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINOSINUSITIS: Knowledge of residents in family and community medicine
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159242230014
Palavras-chave: Rhinitis; Sinusitis; Allergy and Immunology; Primary Health Care; Health education.
Keywords: Rhinitis; Sinusitis; Allergy and Immunology; Primary Health Care; Health education.
Rhinosinusitis is an acute or chronic, infectious, allergic or irritating inflammation of the nasal mucosa, and chronic or recurrent cases are usually determined by allergy. Goal: to evaluate the knowledge of residents in family and community medicine about clinical care practices aimed at patients with allergic rhinitis. Methodology: a survey, descriptive, cross-sectional, exploratory research with a quantitative approach was carried out with Residents in Family and Community Medicine at the Centro Universitário de Patos, based on data collection with a digital questionnaire containing 10 objective questions. After answering the document, each resident received a copy of the questions and the respective answer. Results: 23 residents participated in this study (09 men and 14 women), 10 belonging to the first year of residency and 13 to the second, with an average age of 28 years and an average time since graduation of 2 full years. When asked how often they treated patients with rhinosinusitis, weekly prevailed (69.6%). They were also asked to report on a scale from 0 to 10 how much they mastered the content, and most considered average knowledge, attributing 7 (43.5%). In general, there was an average of 7.04 hits (4~9). Conclusions: Thus, the study identified that residents presented the necessary knowledge to care for patients with allergic rhinosinusitis in Primary Care, demonstrating the provision of safe and effective care, however, constant updates are necessary, focusing on the themes with the greatest weaknesses: probiotics, lysates bacteria and specific immunotherapy.
Número de páginas: 13
- Agnes Jennine Alves Bezerra
- Ariel Patrick Alves Bezerra
- Milena Nunes Alves de Sousa
- Álef Lamark Alves Bezerra