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Automobile trauma with isolated bladder lesion: case report of a patient with Prune-Belly syndrome

Introduction: Prune-Belly Syndrome (SPB) is a rare congenital disease of indefinite etiology, more prevalent in males, which has a report reported between 2 and 4 cases per 100,000 live births. Abdominal wall muscle defect, serious urinary tract abnormalities and bilateral cryptorchidia constitute the classic clinical triad of the disease. This article aimed to elucidate a rare case of isolated bladder lesion in contused trauma, associated with the defect of the abdominal muscles present in individuals with the syndrome. Case Description: This is a case of a 35-year-old male patient with SPB, admitted to an emergency service due to boring abdominal trauma by severe cinematics accident without a seat belt. The patient had abdominal pain at palpation, stable pelvis, and evolved with macroscopic hematuria in the urine collecting bag, confirmed by bladder rupture through retrograde cystography. Exploiting laparotomy, with identification of intraperitoneal injury in the body and bottom of the bladder, was chosen, which was corrected by rubbishing of edges and cystraphy in two planes. Even after hospital discharge, the bladder probe for delay was maintained until the outpatient return consultation. Discussion: Vesical lesions are often associated with predisposing factors, such as bladder or fracture of pelvic bones. Conclusion: differing from the other cases described in the literature, the present report illustrates the occurrence of isolated bladder lesion in contused trauma associated with the abdominal wall muscle defect present in individuals with SPB.

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Automobile trauma with isolated bladder lesion: case report of a patient with Prune-Belly syndrome

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593142327027

  • Palavras-chave: Prune-Belly Syndrome; contused abdominal trauma; bladder injury.

  • Keywords: Prune-Belly Syndrome; contused abdominal trauma; bladder injury.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Prune-Belly Syndrome (SPB) is a rare congenital disease of indefinite etiology, more prevalent in males, which has a report reported between 2 and 4 cases per 100,000 live births. Abdominal wall muscle defect, serious urinary tract abnormalities and bilateral cryptorchidia constitute the classic clinical triad of the disease. This article aimed to elucidate a rare case of isolated bladder lesion in contused trauma, associated with the defect of the abdominal muscles present in individuals with the syndrome. Case Description: This is a case of a 35-year-old male patient with SPB, admitted to an emergency service due to boring abdominal trauma by severe cinematics accident without a seat belt. The patient had abdominal pain at palpation, stable pelvis, and evolved with macroscopic hematuria in the urine collecting bag, confirmed by bladder rupture through retrograde cystography. Exploiting laparotomy, with identification of intraperitoneal injury in the body and bottom of the bladder, was chosen, which was corrected by rubbishing of edges and cystraphy in two planes. Even after hospital discharge, the bladder probe for delay was maintained until the outpatient return consultation. Discussion: Vesical lesions are often associated with predisposing factors, such as bladder or fracture of pelvic bones. Conclusion: differing from the other cases described in the literature, the present report illustrates the occurrence of isolated bladder lesion in contused trauma associated with the abdominal wall muscle defect present in individuals with SPB.

  • Gabrieli Flesch da Silva
  • Eduardo Furtado Coronel
  • Talia Greici Sette
  • Lais Borges Rizental
  • Fernanda Ferla Guilhermano
  • Anderson Casali de Freitas
  • Victor Hugo Queiroz Rebello
  • Antônio Rogério Proença Tavares Crespo
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