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Nonoperative treatment of complex blunt liver trauma (giant subcapsular hematoma): case report and literature review

Blunt liver trauma is a recurrent pathology, with possible diverse anatomical involvements, which represents a challenge in therapeutic management. In this paper, the case of a 40-year-old female victim of blunt abdominal trauma with extensive liver injury is presented, and potential non-operative treatment is discussed despite its severity and mortality rates.

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Nonoperative treatment of complex blunt liver trauma (giant subcapsular hematoma): case report and literature review

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159322221123

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: -

  • Abstract:

    Blunt liver trauma is a recurrent pathology, with possible diverse anatomical involvements, which represents a challenge in therapeutic management. In this paper, the case of a 40-year-old female victim of blunt abdominal trauma with extensive liver injury is presented, and potential non-operative treatment is discussed despite its severity and mortality rates.

  • Laís Souza Germano
  • Gabriel Moreira de Moraes
  • Sabrina Oliveira dos Santos
  • Bruno Vaz de Melo
  • Rodrigo Andrade Vaz de Melo
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