Introduction: Eyelid ptosis is characterized by impaired opening of the upper eyelid. In the primary gaze position, 1 to 2 mm of coverage of the iris by the limbus of the upper eyelid is expected as a normal eyelid opening. This dysfunction can be congenital or acquired. Furthermore, eyelid elevator muscle dystrophy can manifest as mild, moderate and severe ptosis, and its treatment is surgical. Objective: To report a case of severe congenital eyelid ptosis treated with frontal suspension using fascia lata. Report of case: A.L.C.M., 8 years old, female, born and living in Limoeiro do Norte - CE, sought the Plastic Surgery outpatient clinic of `` Hospital Universitário Walter Cantídio`` (HUWC), reporting right eyelid ptosis. Three years ago, she had undergone surgical treatment for right eyelid ptosis at the same service, but reported a gradual recurrence of the condition 1 year after surgery. According to the surgical report of the first approach, there was considerable fragility of the aponeurosis of the eyelid levator muscle, which was refixed to the tarsal plate at the time of surgery. On physical examination, the patient had severe ptosis on the right and poor function of the eyelid elevator muscle. Given the clinical picture, it was decided to perform the frontal suspension technique using the fascia lata tensor muscle band. Discussion: Autogenous fascia lata is considered, in many cases, the material of choice for performing frontal suspension surgery. Surgical treatment of eyelid ptosis is extremely important for improving quality of life, since the loss of visual field, a direct consequence of the aforementioned condition, can also alter the visual acuity of the eye ipsilateral to the affected eyelid. Conclusion: The use of fascia lata in the frontal suspension technique for the treatment of severe eyelid ptosis promotes satisfactory and lasting results in terms of eyelid opening.
Palavras-chave: Eyelid ptosis; Tensor Fascia Lata; front suspension; surgical treatment.
Keywords: Eyelid ptosis; Tensor Fascia Lata; front suspension; surgical treatment.
Introduction: Eyelid ptosis is characterized by impaired opening of the upper eyelid. In the primary gaze position, 1 to 2 mm of coverage of the iris by the limbus of the upper eyelid is expected as a normal eyelid opening. This dysfunction can be congenital or acquired. Furthermore, eyelid elevator muscle dystrophy can manifest as mild, moderate and severe ptosis, and its treatment is surgical. Objective: To report a case of severe congenital eyelid ptosis treated with frontal suspension using fascia lata. Report of case: A.L.C.M., 8 years old, female, born and living in Limoeiro do Norte - CE, sought the Plastic Surgery outpatient clinic of `` Hospital Universitário Walter Cantídio`` (HUWC), reporting right eyelid ptosis. Three years ago, she had undergone surgical treatment for right eyelid ptosis at the same service, but reported a gradual recurrence of the condition 1 year after surgery. According to the surgical report of the first approach, there was considerable fragility of the aponeurosis of the eyelid levator muscle, which was refixed to the tarsal plate at the time of surgery. On physical examination, the patient had severe ptosis on the right and poor function of the eyelid elevator muscle. Given the clinical picture, it was decided to perform the frontal suspension technique using the fascia lata tensor muscle band. Discussion: Autogenous fascia lata is considered, in many cases, the material of choice for performing frontal suspension surgery. Surgical treatment of eyelid ptosis is extremely important for improving quality of life, since the loss of visual field, a direct consequence of the aforementioned condition, can also alter the visual acuity of the eye ipsilateral to the affected eyelid. Conclusion: The use of fascia lata in the frontal suspension technique for the treatment of severe eyelid ptosis promotes satisfactory and lasting results in terms of eyelid opening.
- Salustiano Gomes de Pinho Pessoa
- maria de fatima de brito coutinho nogueira lima