Artigo - Atena Editora


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Objective: Perform the analysis and review of available articles on the identification of autism in childhood and its prognostic factors. Methodology: The study consists of a literature review carried out with review articles published between 2015 and 2023, based on data collection in the scientific databases Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Google Scholar and LILACS. Results: 06 articles had the eligibility criteria for the theme and were used to compose the review. Studies have shown that there are alternative therapeutic options that favor the prognosis of ASD in terms of improving children's cognitive and social development. Thus, it is extremely important to carry out an early diagnosis of ASD linked to multidisciplinary support, guaranteeing comprehensive care. However, studies point out that there is still a lack of investment in studies that better elucidate the mechanisms and benefits of therapeutic alternatives, making them viable and accessible to children with ASD and their caregivers. Conclusion: ASD can be diagnosed early and addressed in such a way that there is a good prognosis in the child development of these patients. However, for this it is necessary that more studies be carried out to deepen the alternative therapies that already exist in order to potentiate them and make them a safe and effective option in the consolidation of the individual care of children with ASD.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.15935123070710

  • Palavras-chave: autism spectrum disorder; child; treatment; prognosis; child development

  • Keywords: autism spectrum disorder; child; treatment; prognosis; child development

  • Abstract:

    Objective: Perform the analysis and review of available articles on the identification of autism in childhood and its prognostic factors. Methodology: The study consists of a literature review carried out with review articles published between 2015 and 2023, based on data collection in the scientific databases Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Google Scholar and LILACS. Results: 06 articles had the eligibility criteria for the theme and were used to compose the review. Studies have shown that there are alternative therapeutic options that favor the prognosis of ASD in terms of improving children's cognitive and social development. Thus, it is extremely important to carry out an early diagnosis of ASD linked to multidisciplinary support, guaranteeing comprehensive care. However, studies point out that there is still a lack of investment in studies that better elucidate the mechanisms and benefits of therapeutic alternatives, making them viable and accessible to children with ASD and their caregivers. Conclusion: ASD can be diagnosed early and addressed in such a way that there is a good prognosis in the child development of these patients. However, for this it is necessary that more studies be carried out to deepen the alternative therapies that already exist in order to potentiate them and make them a safe and effective option in the consolidation of the individual care of children with ASD.

  • Mariana Ingrid Messias Gonçalves
  • Lara Gonçalves Faleiros Cardoso
  • Cayo Rodovalho Nascimento
  • Maressa Sarah de Oliveira Resende
  • Lucas Gonçalves Álvares
  • Maria Fernanda de Assis
  • Larissa Silva de Andrade
  • Gabriela Leite Varjão
  • Laura Stephany Ferreira Carnevali
  • Allisson Antônio Alvarenga Garcia
  • Thais candido Alves e Silva
  • Beatriz Pintaud de Freitas
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