Artigo - Atena Editora


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WORKABILITY: the inexorability of availability to be an eternal learner, as a compass to remain in the job market

The objective of this article is to explore workability as a future requirement for sustainability in the labor market. The importance of workers developing both hard and soft skills is assessed, in addition to adopting a mentality of continuous learning. This combination is essential for workers to adapt to new demands and remain competitive in a dynamic and constantly changing work environment. Therefore, hard skills and, especially, soft skills are presented as guides for the future of work. Furthermore, the crucial need for availability to be a lifelong learner is recognized as a sine qua non condition for workers to remain in the job market. Finally, the question arises whether individuals are truly willing to learn continuously, which is not only a competitive advantage, but a fundamental necessity to ensure permanence and success in the job market of the future.
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WORKABILITY: the inexorability of availability to be an eternal learner, as a compass to remain in the job market

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: workability; hard skills; soft skills; availability.

  • Keywords: workability; hard skills; soft skills; availability.

  • Abstract: The objective of this article is to explore workability as a future requirement for sustainability in the labor market. The importance of workers developing both hard and soft skills is assessed, in addition to adopting a mentality of continuous learning. This combination is essential for workers to adapt to new demands and remain competitive in a dynamic and constantly changing work environment. Therefore, hard skills and, especially, soft skills are presented as guides for the future of work. Furthermore, the crucial need for availability to be a lifelong learner is recognized as a sine qua non condition for workers to remain in the job market. Finally, the question arises whether individuals are truly willing to learn continuously, which is not only a competitive advantage, but a fundamental necessity to ensure permanence and success in the job market of the future.

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