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Towards Holistic Care: Integrating Mental Health Support for People Living with The Human Immunodeficiency Virus

INTRODUCTION The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that targets the immune system, specifically CD4+ T cells, leading to a weakened ability to combat infections and diseases. HIV infection progresses through stages, culminating in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) if untreated. Globally, HIV/AIDS affects millions, with Sub-Saharan Africa bearing the highest burden. In Brazil, disparities persist, impacting populations like men who have sex with men, transgender individuals, and people who inject drugs. Despite medical advancements, individuals with HIV face stigma and discrimination, perpetuating marginalization and impacting access to care. This narrative review aims to explore the multifaceted challenges and advancements in HIV/AIDS care, encompassing the virus's biology, epidemiology, treatment, and societal implications. OBJETIVE Analyze and describe the main aspects of Mental Health in people living with HIV the last years. METHODS This is a narrative review, the database included studies in the MEDLINE – PubMed (National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health), COCHRANE, EMBASE and Google Scholar using as descriptors: Mental Health AND HIV AND Psychiatry OR Infectology in the last years. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The discovery of HIV in 1983 by Dr. Luc Montagnier and Dr. Robert Gallo revolutionized our understanding of infectious diseases, particularly AIDS, and provided a foundation for subsequent research and intervention efforts. This groundbreaking discovery highlighted the urgent need for targeted strategies to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic, particularly among vulnerable populations such as the LGBT community, who have faced disproportionate rates of infection and barriers to care. Despite significant strides in HIV prevention and treatment, including the introduction of PrEP and PEP, challenges persist, necessitating ongoing advocacy, research, and community engagement to combat stigma, improve access to care, and ensure equitable health outcomes for all individuals affected by HIV. The integration of mental health services into HIV care represents a critical step towards addressing the complex psychosocial needs of individuals living with HIV and underscores the importance of a holistic approach to healthcare delivery. By prioritizing comprehensive support services, including mental health care, and fostering inclusive and supportive environments, we can advance efforts to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS and improve the well-being of affected individuals and communities worldwide. CONCLUSION: Underscores the enduring challenges and advancements in the landscape of HIV/AIDS. From its discovery in the 1980s to contemporary interventions like PrEP and PEP, the HIV/AIDS epidemic has remained a significant global health concern. Disparities in prevalence and access to care persist, particularly among marginalized populations such as the LGBT community. Integrated care approaches are essential to address the complex interplay between mental health and HIV, emphasizing the need for destigmatization and increased access to support services. Moving forward, concerted efforts are required to bridge gaps in research, practice, and policy to ensure comprehensive care and support for individuals affected by HIV/AIDS worldwide.
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Towards Holistic Care: Integrating Mental Health Support for People Living with The Human Immunodeficiency Virus

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Mental Health; HIV; Psychiatry; Infectology.

  • Keywords: .

  • Abstract: .

  • Lícia Wênia Santos Pimenta Torres
  • Luísa Bortolozo Franco
  • Júlia Fernanda Piaia
  • Job de Paula Freitas
  • Gustavo Campanha Menon Carlos
  • Camilla Martins Ginack
  • Alceu Maluf Neto
  • Ana Caroline Falcão Garcia
  • Maria Paula Silvestre Moura Cavalcante
  • Paula Rezende Rodrigues
  • Larissa Cristina Dias Rodrigues
  • Mauricio Lopes da Silva Netto
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