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Tirofiban in Acute Stroke and its Clinical Implications

Objective: To investigate the efficacy and safety of using tirefiban in patients with acute stroke, comparing it with other frequently used medications and discussing its implications for clinical practice. Methodology: Narrative Bibliographic Review through the PubMed - Medline database, with a search strategy:(acute ischemic stroke) AND (tirofiban) AND ((efficacy) OR (prognosis), which resulted in 104 articles initially. After screening, 16 articles were selected for detailed analysis. Review: Tirofiban shows promising results, especially in specific subgroups of patients, such as elderly people with large infarcts. Studies have indicated a reduction in hospital mortality and functional improvements with the use of girofiban, without significantly increasing the risk of intracranial hemorrhage. However, there are still issues to be clarified, such as defining ideal patient selection criteria and precise dosing protocols to optimize clinical results. Final considerations: Tirofiban's potential as a valuable therapeutic option in the treatment of acute stroke is highlighted, although its integration into clinical practice requires careful considerations to maximize benefits and minimize risks.

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Tirofiban in Acute Stroke and its Clinical Implications

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Tirofiban; Selective and reversible antagonists of platelet glycoprotein receptors; Stroke.

  • Keywords: Tirofiban; Selective and reversible antagonists of platelet glycoprotein receptors; Stroke.

  • Abstract:

    Objective: To investigate the efficacy and safety of using tirefiban in patients with acute stroke, comparing it with other frequently used medications and discussing its implications for clinical practice. Methodology: Narrative Bibliographic Review through the PubMed - Medline database, with a search strategy:(acute ischemic stroke) AND (tirofiban) AND ((efficacy) OR (prognosis), which resulted in 104 articles initially. After screening, 16 articles were selected for detailed analysis. Review: Tirofiban shows promising results, especially in specific subgroups of patients, such as elderly people with large infarcts. Studies have indicated a reduction in hospital mortality and functional improvements with the use of girofiban, without significantly increasing the risk of intracranial hemorrhage. However, there are still issues to be clarified, such as defining ideal patient selection criteria and precise dosing protocols to optimize clinical results. Final considerations: Tirofiban's potential as a valuable therapeutic option in the treatment of acute stroke is highlighted, although its integration into clinical practice requires careful considerations to maximize benefits and minimize risks.

  • Emilly Richardeli Da Silva
  • Sophia Lorenzato de Souza
  • Daniel Santos Nunes
  • Anna Beatriz de Oliveira Carone Bissoli
  • Luiggi Schramm Trigueiro
  • Caroline Palin Cruz
  • Junia Silveira Abbade
  • Thais Abdala Bronzon
  • Leticia Oliveira Silva
  • Alana Gabrielle D'Ornelas
  • Bruna Machado de Barros
  • Amanda Carolina Zicatti da Silveira
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