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capa do ebook The Value of Garbage: The Case of the Fukumoto Institute

The Value of Garbage: The Case of the Fukumoto Institute

The case addresses the difficulties of sustaining a social business working on the creation and appropriation of value. Both are key factors for the success of the venture. In the creation of value, the destination of waste is crucial, while the appropriation of value involves how customers perceive the social and regulatory relevance of the collection and subsequent disposal of waste. It also shows the particularities of environmental concern with the recycling process, the search for solutions and the relationships between the actors involved, illustrating the complexity of putting into practice a law created more than ten years ago.

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The Value of Garbage: The Case of the Fukumoto Institute

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2162110123

  • Palavras-chave: Value Creation, Value Appropriation, Social Business, Waste Management, Case Study

  • Keywords: Value Creation, Value Appropriation, Social Business, Waste Management, Case Study

  • Abstract:

    The case addresses the difficulties of sustaining a social business working on the creation and appropriation of value. Both are key factors for the success of the venture. In the creation of value, the destination of waste is crucial, while the appropriation of value involves how customers perceive the social and regulatory relevance of the collection and subsequent disposal of waste. It also shows the particularities of environmental concern with the recycling process, the search for solutions and the relationships between the actors involved, illustrating the complexity of putting into practice a law created more than ten years ago.

  • Número de páginas: 11

  • Dimária Silva Meirelles
  • WIlson Eduardo Ikeda
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