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The Role of Testosterone in Hypoactive Sexual Desire in Postmenopausal Women – An Intergrative Review

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The Role of Testosterone in Hypoactive Sexual Desire in Postmenopausal Women – An Intergrative Review

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  • Abstract: This literature review explores the role of testosterone therapy in postmenopausal women with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). Menopause, a natural physiological process, leads to a decline in reproductive hormones, causing symptoms like vaginal dryness, decreased libido, and sexual dysfunction. Androgens, particularly testosterone, play a vital role in maintaining sexual functions and overall health. This review discusses the use of testosterone therapy in alleviating symptoms of HSDD, emphasizing its effectiveness in improving sexual function and desire. The research was conducted through a bibliographic search in PubMed, Google Scholar, and Cochrane databases, focusing on studies published between 2005 and 2024, in English and Portuguese. The review highlights the importance of considering physical, psychological, and relational factors affecting sexual health in menopausal women and recognizes testosterone's significant role in female sexual function. While testosterone therapy shows promise, the review notes the need for caution due to mixed findings on long-term safety and the potential for adverse effects.

  • Danielle Costa Nazareth
  • Rafaela Tiemi Iwamoto Vicentin
  • Giovane Chati Gomes
  • Marina Zamuner Correia dos Santos
  • Juliana Lomanto Cerqueira
  • Gabriela Ketter Pinto Vieira
  • Maize Lucia de Oliveira
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