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The objectification of aristocracy: Transmedia consumption

This article seeks to identify and discuss how recipients of Downton Abbey structured their speeches to present the way of life of the aristocrats in the series and in parallel in the site: Downton Abbey at home. We identified the discursive mechanisms employed - enunciative, thematic and figurative - that verify how the enunciatee accepts the simulacrum proposed in the scenes of ways of eating - breakfast and how they are appropriated by the advertising discourse with the objective of marketing products. The theoretical basis will be the Greimasian semiotics with deepening in the regimes of interactions in the apprehension and construction of meaning about figurativeness, identifying the themes, figures and the homologations between the content plane and the expression plane of the first season of the series. The results show the positive construction of the aristocracy, promoting values such as luxury and sophistication and the approximation of the fields of study of semiotics and consumption. 

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The objectification of aristocracy: Transmedia consumption

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.216222230015

  • Palavras-chave: Semiotics; Consumption; Transmedia; Advertising; Downton Abbey.

  • Keywords: Semiotics; Consumption; Transmedia; Advertising; Downton Abbey.

  • Abstract:

    This article seeks to identify and discuss how recipients of Downton Abbey structured their speeches to present the way of life of the aristocrats in the series and in parallel in the site: Downton Abbey at home. We identified the discursive mechanisms employed - enunciative, thematic and figurative - that verify how the enunciatee accepts the simulacrum proposed in the scenes of ways of eating - breakfast and how they are appropriated by the advertising discourse with the objective of marketing products. The theoretical basis will be the Greimasian semiotics with deepening in the regimes of interactions in the apprehension and construction of meaning about figurativeness, identifying the themes, figures and the homologations between the content plane and the expression plane of the first season of the series. The results show the positive construction of the aristocracy, promoting values such as luxury and sophistication and the approximation of the fields of study of semiotics and consumption. 

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Lye Renata Prando
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