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The Native Expert: An Essay on Epistemological Authority in Anthropology

What happens to the anthropologist's work when the natives of his research are the most important and recognized experts in the scientific/academic world on the topic he is investigating? What changes in our conception of the process of knowledge production in anthropology when this process includes not only an analysis of native ideas and practices, but also a theoretical clash with natives, invested with this condition of specialists? How to conduct such a process when this clash – which in itself already destabilizes the conventional image of the anthropological profession – is, furthermore, aggravated by the fact that the native finds himself in a situation of political and epistemological prevalence over the anthropologist?

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The Native Expert: An Essay on Epistemological Authority in Anthropology

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582109124

  • Palavras-chave: Anthropologist

  • Keywords: Anthropologist

  • Abstract:

    What happens to the anthropologist's work when the natives of his research are the most important and recognized experts in the scientific/academic world on the topic he is investigating? What changes in our conception of the process of knowledge production in anthropology when this process includes not only an analysis of native ideas and practices, but also a theoretical clash with natives, invested with this condition of specialists? How to conduct such a process when this clash – which in itself already destabilizes the conventional image of the anthropological profession – is, furthermore, aggravated by the fact that the native finds himself in a situation of political and epistemological prevalence over the anthropologist?

  • Número de páginas: 19

  • Danilo Mariano Pereira
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