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The human memory

When we think about the world and its experiences, when we understand ourselves as beings that integrate a whole dynamic, we necessarily have to talk about memory. Well, all the information that was acquired through experimentation is stored in our memory.

Humans are identity beings that shape themselves according to the experiences they experience directly or indirectly, and even more so they are the product of how they absorb and assimilate these experiences. We are human because we live and think about it, because we have the capacity to assimilate, feel and remember. This cognitive function is so powerful and so complex that it can even structurally alter the nervous system.

This study aims to analyze memory, its functions and its structure.

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The human memory

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592442202085

  • Palavras-chave: Memory. genetics. Learning. cognition.

  • Keywords: Memory. genetics. Learning. cognition.

  • Abstract:

    When we think about the world and its experiences, when we understand ourselves as beings that integrate a whole dynamic, we necessarily have to talk about memory. Well, all the information that was acquired through experimentation is stored in our memory.

    Humans are identity beings that shape themselves according to the experiences they experience directly or indirectly, and even more so they are the product of how they absorb and assimilate these experiences. We are human because we live and think about it, because we have the capacity to assimilate, feel and remember. This cognitive function is so powerful and so complex that it can even structurally alter the nervous system.

    This study aims to analyze memory, its functions and its structure.

  • Número de páginas: 17

  • Fabiano de Abreu Rodrigues
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