The Essential Soft Skills of Project Managers and Project Success
The Essential Soft Skills of Project Managers and Project Success
Palavras-chave: Liderazgo, relaciones interpersonales, comunicación, éxito en proyectos; habilidades blandas, equipos de proyectos.
Keywords: Leadership, interpersonal relationships, communication, project success; soft skills, project teams.
Soft skills are essential in Project Managers and have a great impact on the success of projects. A review of the literature and the results of this research support this idea, and show that project managers can improve the chances of project success by developing these skills. The purpose of this research was to identify the key soft skills required by project managers and their relationship with the success of projects, as lines that define their leadership style and fundamental scope of their management in relation to the areas of knowledge of project management. To this end, an exhaustive review of the literature was carried out, in order to recover all the possible evidence that would support the argument that project managers could increase the chances of project success, by applying their interpersonal skills to manage the project. project team and its performance. The quantitative approach and cross-sectional design were applied in the research, consequently, data collection is primary and is based on the survey method. The results of the research indicate that, among soft skills, communication skills, personal relationship skills and leadership and motivation skills are the most important, demonstrating in this research that there is a significant relationship between leadership skills, the ability to communicate, interpersonal skills and the success or performance of projects. Modern project managers must have the ability to understand situations, improve the ability to coordinate, and enlist the support of others.