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The discourse of silence: racial prejudice and racism in second childhood

This article aims to analyze articles and books published on the theme of racism,

discrimination and racial prejudice in preschoolers. The hypothesis is raised that since

the earliest childhood this subject is already marked by this difference that has become a

stigma, but little is said about it and, mainly, little is done about it, due to

to the existing silencing when it comes to racism. Considered the most striking phase of human life, it is during this period that we learn the pillars necessary to support us throughout life and that will directly reflect on our future experiences. 

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The discourse of silence: racial prejudice and racism in second childhood

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582272222081

  • Palavras-chave: This article aims to analyze articles and books published on the theme of racism, discrimination and racial prejudice in preschoolers. The hypothesis is raised that since the earliest childhood this subject is already marked by this difference that has become a stigma, but little is said about it and, mainly, little is done about it, due to to the existing silencing when it comes to racism. Considered the most striking phase of human life, it is during this period that we learn the pillars necessary to support us throughout life and that will directly reflect on our future experiences.

  • Keywords: This article aims to analyze articles and books published on the theme of racism, discrimination and racial prejudice in preschoolers. The hypothesis is raised that since the earliest childhood this subject is already marked by this difference that has become a stigma, but little is said about it and, mainly, little is done about it, due to to the existing silencing when it comes to racism. Considered the most striking phase of human life, it is during this period that we learn the pillars necessary to support us throughout life and that will directly reflect on our future experiences.

  • Abstract:

    This article aims to analyze articles and books published on the theme of racism,

    discrimination and racial prejudice in preschoolers. The hypothesis is raised that since

    the earliest childhood this subject is already marked by this difference that has become a

    stigma, but little is said about it and, mainly, little is done about it, due to

    to the existing silencing when it comes to racism. Considered the most striking phase of human life, it is during this period that we learn the pillars necessary to support us throughout life and that will directly reflect on our future experiences. 

  • Número de páginas: 7

  • Flávia da Gama Nascimento Rodrigues
  • Monica Campos de Oliveira
  • Carlos Eduardo de Souza Pereira
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