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Today, we have an increasingly demanding consumer customer who is aware of their rights. In the health sector, the care process is standardized so that the customer is limited to posting his criticisms and impressions in the support and service services. It is known that the environment influences the emotional and physical state of the human being, so providing a welcoming and healthy environment will contribute to the healing process; this is where the hospital hospitality sector became essential, for developing actions for the safety and comfort of those who use the institution. And the human being through the sensorial system can perceive, interact and respond to the stimuli provided by the environment.

The environment, in turn, transmits its message through non-verbal communication and is composed of the physical area, equipment, clothing and the language used by the group that interacts with customers. Then we asked how the ambience assists the hospital client. In order to answer this guiding question, we developed an integrative literature review with the objective of listing the contributions of the hospital environment in customer care. After an integrative literature review, we performed a qualitative data analysis. We chose as a sample reputable books on the subjects: hospital hospitality; humanization and communication in nursing with a focus on the research descriptors. We discuss the relationship between the hospital hotel service and the health client and the communication between the environment and the health client. And after analyzing the collected data, we concluded the environment influences the client, through non-verbal communication. It is possible to clearly observe that the environment is inserted in the communication process; as a physical space where messages are exchanged, capable of arousing feelings and sensations in your client. When ambience is developed in this physical space, it collaborates with the healing process.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592222230048

  • Palavras-chave: Hospital Hospitality; Environment; Communication; Assistance the health

  • Keywords: Hospital Hospitality; Environment; Communication; Assistance the health

  • Abstract:

    Today, we have an increasingly demanding consumer customer who is aware of their rights. In the health sector, the care process is standardized so that the customer is limited to posting his criticisms and impressions in the support and service services. It is known that the environment influences the emotional and physical state of the human being, so providing a welcoming and healthy environment will contribute to the healing process; this is where the hospital hospitality sector became essential, for developing actions for the safety and comfort of those who use the institution. And the human being through the sensorial system can perceive, interact and respond to the stimuli provided by the environment.

    The environment, in turn, transmits its message through non-verbal communication and is composed of the physical area, equipment, clothing and the language used by the group that interacts with customers. Then we asked how the ambience assists the hospital client. In order to answer this guiding question, we developed an integrative literature review with the objective of listing the contributions of the hospital environment in customer care. After an integrative literature review, we performed a qualitative data analysis. We chose as a sample reputable books on the subjects: hospital hospitality; humanization and communication in nursing with a focus on the research descriptors. We discuss the relationship between the hospital hotel service and the health client and the communication between the environment and the health client. And after analyzing the collected data, we concluded the environment influences the client, through non-verbal communication. It is possible to clearly observe that the environment is inserted in the communication process; as a physical space where messages are exchanged, capable of arousing feelings and sensations in your client. When ambience is developed in this physical space, it collaborates with the healing process.

  • Número de páginas: 14

  • Clarissa Vasconcelos Silva de Souza
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