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Theories of Creativity and Innovation as a curricular component within the scope of Teacher Training

Thinking about the changes that Brazilian education has undergone, it is understood that teaching requires teachers who are more autonomous, creative and capable of facing the challenges of the 21st century in search of solving educational problems. In this sense, the present work seeks to present research results within the scope of Teacher Training with a perspective of using Creativity Theories as a theoretical-methodological subsidy for the development of arguments in favor of a reorientation of the Teacher Training process. The results point to offering curricular components (disciplines), as a way of establishing a relationship between Creativity Theories and Teacher Training with the expectation of improving the conditions for exercising the creative process within the scope of undergraduate courses and for future activity teacher.

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Theories of Creativity and Innovation as a curricular component within the scope of Teacher Training

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Autonomy. BNCC. DC-GO. Active Methodologies. TDICs resources.

  • Keywords: Autonomy. BNCC. DC-GO. Active Methodologies. TDICs resources.

  • Abstract:

    Thinking about the changes that Brazilian education has undergone, it is understood that teaching requires teachers who are more autonomous, creative and capable of facing the challenges of the 21st century in search of solving educational problems. In this sense, the present work seeks to present research results within the scope of Teacher Training with a perspective of using Creativity Theories as a theoretical-methodological subsidy for the development of arguments in favor of a reorientation of the Teacher Training process. The results point to offering curricular components (disciplines), as a way of establishing a relationship between Creativity Theories and Teacher Training with the expectation of improving the conditions for exercising the creative process within the scope of undergraduate courses and for future activity teacher.

  • Eleandro Adir Philippsen
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