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THEATER TO POPULAR THE SPACE: A study of the relationship between Seahorse and street theater from space

Human beings' relationships with space have changed over time, which is noticeable through artistic actions that take place in open spaces. Within these, interventions that fall within the field of performing arts stand out, such as Sea horse, understood here as a form of Brazilian theater, and street theater, also treated as a popular manifestation. Both influence production and interaction with space. Two sea horses from Pernambuco, ``Gold star’ ‘and ``star of the east``, and two street theater groups from São Paulo, Pavanelli Center and Pombas Urbanas, are analyzed, making use and investigation of the audiovisual material of the plays and games available online by groups. The choice of online material is due to the fact that the research was designed and developed during the COVID-19 pandemic, which made it impossible to carry out direct field work. From a relative and relational space, this research seeks to understand the connections between these manifestations and enable new visions for the areas involved and for the public participating in them.

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THEATER TO POPULAR THE SPACE: A study of the relationship between Seahorse and street theater from space

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929342311055

  • Palavras-chave: Seahorse, play, street theater, space, city

  • Keywords: Seahorse, play, street theater, space, city

  • Abstract:

    Human beings' relationships with space have changed over time, which is noticeable through artistic actions that take place in open spaces. Within these, interventions that fall within the field of performing arts stand out, such as Sea horse, understood here as a form of Brazilian theater, and street theater, also treated as a popular manifestation. Both influence production and interaction with space. Two sea horses from Pernambuco, ``Gold star’ ‘and ``star of the east``, and two street theater groups from São Paulo, Pavanelli Center and Pombas Urbanas, are analyzed, making use and investigation of the audiovisual material of the plays and games available online by groups. The choice of online material is due to the fact that the research was designed and developed during the COVID-19 pandemic, which made it impossible to carry out direct field work. From a relative and relational space, this research seeks to understand the connections between these manifestations and enable new visions for the areas involved and for the public participating in them.

  • Catarina Aretha
  • Felisberto Sabino da Costa
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