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Teaching Science through Children's Literature: with the project Telling stories with the natural sciences

The present work was conceived as a function of the project carried out with groups of pre-school age that sought to unite: children's literature, natural sciences and plastic arts, in order to promote the interest in scientific initiation of the small student. The organization and choice of works was designed according to the bibliographic collection available in schools, where children's literature books are sent by the Ministry of Education (MEC), to compose the collection of public school libraries. aimed at the choices according to natural science elements contained in the books, a survey was made of the students' interests regarding the stories they like the most and then it was thought how the stories would be told.

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Teaching Science through Children's Literature: with the project Telling stories with the natural sciences

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9292522250710

  • Palavras-chave: Children's literature; Natural Sciences; Art; scientific experiments; preschool

  • Keywords: Children's literature; Natural Sciences; Art; scientific experiments; preschool

  • Abstract:

    The present work was conceived as a function of the project carried out with groups of pre-school age that sought to unite: children's literature, natural sciences and plastic arts, in order to promote the interest in scientific initiation of the small student. The organization and choice of works was designed according to the bibliographic collection available in schools, where children's literature books are sent by the Ministry of Education (MEC), to compose the collection of public school libraries. aimed at the choices according to natural science elements contained in the books, a survey was made of the students' interests regarding the stories they like the most and then it was thought how the stories would be told.

  • Número de páginas: 12

  • Angélica Rangel do Nascimento Cunha
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