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T-Slip (Time-spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse) in the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis by magnetic resonance imaging

The diagnosis of renal artery stenosis by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is often made using paramagnetic contrast media. The Food and Drug Administration published a warning report about the risk of developing Systemic Nephrogenic Syndrome associated with the use of contrast media containing gadolinium. Recently, a non-contrast technique called Time-spatial Labeling Invertion Pulse (T-Slip) has shown great promise in the evaluation of renal artery stenosis. Objective: The objective is to describe the T.Slip technique and illustrate its importance in the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis.

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T-Slip (Time-spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse) in the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis by magnetic resonance imaging

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593232330032

  • Palavras-chave: Resonancemagnetic; Magnetic resonance angiography; Renal arteries; Diagnostic technique.

  • Keywords: Resonancemagnetic; Magnetic resonance angiography; Renal arteries; Diagnostic technique.

  • Abstract:

    The diagnosis of renal artery stenosis by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is often made using paramagnetic contrast media. The Food and Drug Administration published a warning report about the risk of developing Systemic Nephrogenic Syndrome associated with the use of contrast media containing gadolinium. Recently, a non-contrast technique called Time-spatial Labeling Invertion Pulse (T-Slip) has shown great promise in the evaluation of renal artery stenosis. Objective: The objective is to describe the T.Slip technique and illustrate its importance in the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis.

  • Juliana de Brito Braga
  • Dr. Luiz Raphael Pereira Donoso Scoppetta
  • Angela dos Santos Marin
  • Priscila Walasinski Di Nardi
  • Dra. Jacqueline Kioko Nishimura Matsumoto
  • Dr César Higa Nomura
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