Artigo - Atena Editora


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The use of passive suspension systems is an already established concept and generates good results in everyday life, however the use of a system that corrects its damping according to the speed used could be advantageous, with regard to the drivability comfort of the common fleet. The comparison between the sets is made through equations that demonstrate and characterize the components and the reaction felt in the passenger compartment, where, through the calculations used, a difference between the two was found, which would result in unfeasibility in the application, as in general, no would be viable in an economic sense. Furthermore, it would present difficulties for the repair sector, due to the tools to be used in diagnoses, spare parts and knowledge about the new system, where many would probably be inflexible to make changes, creating more obstacles in the use of the set. Despite this, it is a promising system, not for the common fleet, as was evaluated and shown, but the racing area or even luxury vehicles can implement it, as well as specific projects, as they would present a larger dimension in their construction. accurate and with a higher percentage of efficiency.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173392323113

  • Palavras-chave: Suspension. Fleet. Economic. Magneto-Rheological.

  • Keywords: Suspension. Fleet. Economic. Magneto-Rheological.

  • Abstract:

    The use of passive suspension systems is an already established concept and generates good results in everyday life, however the use of a system that corrects its damping according to the speed used could be advantageous, with regard to the drivability comfort of the common fleet. The comparison between the sets is made through equations that demonstrate and characterize the components and the reaction felt in the passenger compartment, where, through the calculations used, a difference between the two was found, which would result in unfeasibility in the application, as in general, no would be viable in an economic sense. Furthermore, it would present difficulties for the repair sector, due to the tools to be used in diagnoses, spare parts and knowledge about the new system, where many would probably be inflexible to make changes, creating more obstacles in the use of the set. Despite this, it is a promising system, not for the common fleet, as was evaluated and shown, but the racing area or even luxury vehicles can implement it, as well as specific projects, as they would present a larger dimension in their construction. accurate and with a higher percentage of efficiency.

  • Mateus Martins Vieira
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