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Susceptibility, prevalence and factors associated with depression and suicide among nurses: an integrative review

ABSTRACT: Nurses are in a category of professionals who are more likely to develop mental problems than the general population. Objective: Know, understand and argue about the reality of the class of nurses in relation to depression and suicide. Method: Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 12 articles were selected for analysis in an integrative review. Results: Studies by different authors on the themes of depression and suicide among nurses were selected. Most studies aimed to identify the prevalence of cases and the different motivating factors based on representative samples. Conclusion: This review compiled data from studies from different developed, underdeveloped and developing countries, from the five continents, and the reality is always that nurses are more likely to develop mental disorders and more susceptible to suicidal behavior than the population in general. These results always point to the emerging need for intervention policies and support programs for this class of people.

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Susceptibility, prevalence and factors associated with depression and suicide among nurses: an integrative review

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593412301065

  • Palavras-chave: Suicide, depression, nurses, mental health, suicidal ideation

  • Keywords: Suicide, depression, nurses, mental health, suicidal ideation

  • Abstract:

    ABSTRACT: Nurses are in a category of professionals who are more likely to develop mental problems than the general population. Objective: Know, understand and argue about the reality of the class of nurses in relation to depression and suicide. Method: Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 12 articles were selected for analysis in an integrative review. Results: Studies by different authors on the themes of depression and suicide among nurses were selected. Most studies aimed to identify the prevalence of cases and the different motivating factors based on representative samples. Conclusion: This review compiled data from studies from different developed, underdeveloped and developing countries, from the five continents, and the reality is always that nurses are more likely to develop mental disorders and more susceptible to suicidal behavior than the population in general. These results always point to the emerging need for intervention policies and support programs for this class of people.

  • lorena silveira cardoso
  • Brenda Cesar Pires
  • Amanda Ferreira de Almeida Colombi
  • Jacqueline Damasceno de Castro Barros
  • Weverton Gomes Baptista
  • Juliana Oliosi Calheiros
  • Jeremias Campos Simões
  • Maristela Villarinho de Oliveira
  • Livia Perasol Bedin
  • Marcos Vinícius Ferreira dos Santos
  • Claudia Curbani Vieira Manola
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