Artigo - Atena Editora


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Iron is an essential mineral for several metabolic and physiological functions of the human body, playing a fundamental role in immunological function, such as cytokine production, cell proliferation and phagocytosis of pathogens. The characteristic paradox of iron supplementation during infections, which can often pose a risk of worsening the disease, has been widely discussed in order to clarify the effects of this practice and its relationship with anemia and infection. Therefore, through literature research, the objective of this work is to investigate the role of iron and its competition in pathogen-host interactions, highlighting its importance in human physiology and the microbial world. As a methodology, a bibliographic review was carried out in the PubMed and Scielo database, including scientific articles in Portuguese and English, based on the descriptors: iron, microbial resistance, siderophores and anemia. From this, it was identified that iron administration in patients with bacterial infections is questioned since this mineral can be sequestered by bacteria and supplementation becomes a risk factor and aggravation of infectious conditions. Therefore, it has been observed that iron supplementation worsens the infection, however, it is necessary to examine each situation individually, as the etiology of the bacteria, the patient's general condition and test results must be taken into account. laboratories.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593882318101

  • Palavras-chave: Iron; Microbial Resistance; Siderophores; Anemia.

  • Keywords: Iron; Microbial Resistance; Siderophores; Anemia.

  • Abstract:

    Iron is an essential mineral for several metabolic and physiological functions of the human body, playing a fundamental role in immunological function, such as cytokine production, cell proliferation and phagocytosis of pathogens. The characteristic paradox of iron supplementation during infections, which can often pose a risk of worsening the disease, has been widely discussed in order to clarify the effects of this practice and its relationship with anemia and infection. Therefore, through literature research, the objective of this work is to investigate the role of iron and its competition in pathogen-host interactions, highlighting its importance in human physiology and the microbial world. As a methodology, a bibliographic review was carried out in the PubMed and Scielo database, including scientific articles in Portuguese and English, based on the descriptors: iron, microbial resistance, siderophores and anemia. From this, it was identified that iron administration in patients with bacterial infections is questioned since this mineral can be sequestered by bacteria and supplementation becomes a risk factor and aggravation of infectious conditions. Therefore, it has been observed that iron supplementation worsens the infection, however, it is necessary to examine each situation individually, as the etiology of the bacteria, the patient's general condition and test results must be taken into account. laboratories.

  • Lucas Vilela Ribeiro
  • Leonardo Francisco Machado Trassi
  • Eduardo Carneiro Clímaco
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