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Supervisory processes imply a relationship between a supervisor and a supervisee that is intended to be fruitful and conducive to an adequate and contextualized development of personal, technical and professional skills. In order to obtain the best results with this process, it is imperative to adopt supervisory models, styles and strategies that facilitate an effective teaching-learning process.

The quality of the teaching-learning process depends on the type of relationships established between students, teachers and practitioners, with a relationship of help and support being essential to increase the levels of satisfaction of those involved.

Supervisory models translate an explanatory matrix based on an organized body of concepts or ideas that facilitate the thinking process and guide action, promoting the achievement of effective results in terms of the teaching-learning process. Supervisory styles must be anchored in different methodologies and strategies, based on behaviors, attitudes and expectations in relation to the supervisee, adapting interventions and developing effective communication.

The supervisor must face different situations and collect the necessary information to implement a supervisory model of support and monitoring, facilitating the development of the supervisee's skills, based on the outlining of appropriate supervisory strategies.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592742224116

  • Palavras-chave: Supervisory Relationship; Supervisory Styles; Strategies; Nursing

  • Keywords: Supervisory Relationship; Supervisory Styles; Strategies; Nursing

  • Abstract:

    Supervisory processes imply a relationship between a supervisor and a supervisee that is intended to be fruitful and conducive to an adequate and contextualized development of personal, technical and professional skills. In order to obtain the best results with this process, it is imperative to adopt supervisory models, styles and strategies that facilitate an effective teaching-learning process.

    The quality of the teaching-learning process depends on the type of relationships established between students, teachers and practitioners, with a relationship of help and support being essential to increase the levels of satisfaction of those involved.

    Supervisory models translate an explanatory matrix based on an organized body of concepts or ideas that facilitate the thinking process and guide action, promoting the achievement of effective results in terms of the teaching-learning process. Supervisory styles must be anchored in different methodologies and strategies, based on behaviors, attitudes and expectations in relation to the supervisee, adapting interventions and developing effective communication.

    The supervisor must face different situations and collect the necessary information to implement a supervisory model of support and monitoring, facilitating the development of the supervisee's skills, based on the outlining of appropriate supervisory strategies.

  • Isabel Maria Ribeiro Fernandes
  • Rodrigues, M.
  • Gómez, S
  • Macedo, P. Abreu
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