In the Mathematics project of the Institute of Biosciences, Letters and Exact Sciences of São José do Rio Preto, together with the Unesp Teaching Nucleus Program, one of the objectives is the full participation of undergraduates in the daily life of a state school in the interior of the State of São Paulo, providing them with opportunities to experience teaching practices that overcome the problems of teaching and learning mathematics. In this work, a research was carried out on mathematical games to work with the object of knowledge, integers, and an experience was presented that exemplifies the teaching practice with an original mathematical game, named Sudotix in the seventh years. The board game was inspired by three other games: Sudoku, Matix and Magic Square. The theme of the game allowed us to work with objects of knowledge: ordering integers, notion of a Cartesian plane, addition and subtraction operations on the set of integers. The game was applied in the problem solving approach and adapted for remote teaching, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The teacher (scholarship holder) acted as a mediator in the teaching and learning process, differently from the role of the teacher in traditional mathematics teaching. Students were encouraged to develop arithmetic thinking. They effectively participated in the classes, were motivated to do the operations and proposed different strategies in order to achieve the objective of the game.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582122215055
Palavras-chave: Mathematical games; Elementary School; Integer numbers; Problem solving; remote teaching
Keywords: Mathematical games; Elementary School; Integer numbers; Problem solving; remote teaching
In the Mathematics project of the Institute of Biosciences, Letters and Exact Sciences of São José do Rio Preto, together with the Unesp Teaching Nucleus Program, one of the objectives is the full participation of undergraduates in the daily life of a state school in the interior of the State of São Paulo, providing them with opportunities to experience teaching practices that overcome the problems of teaching and learning mathematics. In this work, a research was carried out on mathematical games to work with the object of knowledge, integers, and an experience was presented that exemplifies the teaching practice with an original mathematical game, named Sudotix in the seventh years. The board game was inspired by three other games: Sudoku, Matix and Magic Square. The theme of the game allowed us to work with objects of knowledge: ordering integers, notion of a Cartesian plane, addition and subtraction operations on the set of integers. The game was applied in the problem solving approach and adapted for remote teaching, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The teacher (scholarship holder) acted as a mediator in the teaching and learning process, differently from the role of the teacher in traditional mathematics teaching. Students were encouraged to develop arithmetic thinking. They effectively participated in the classes, were motivated to do the operations and proposed different strategies in order to achieve the objective of the game.
Número de páginas: 8
- Rita de Cássia Pavan Lamas
- Thiago Nanetes Ferreira